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Show Standard

National Silver Official Show Standard

The Standard Points Description
Colour 25
Grey Body colour a rich black, the under colour to be blue-black and carried down to the skin.
Fawn Body colour a deep bright orange with under colour the same shame carried down to as near the skin as possible.
Brown Body colour a deep rich chestnut, the under colour to have a top band of the same shade. The base to be a deep blue-black to the skin.
Blue Body colour dark slate blue, carried down to the skin.

20 Evenness of silvering throughout, including head, feet, ears and chest. Browns to have an evenness of mixing, i.e. black, silver and chestnut.

15 Sharp and bright silvering

15 Short, full, fly-back coat

10 Neat and well set on.

Bold and bright.
Condition and shape

15 Moderate length of body, inclined to cobbiness with slightly arched back. Ideal weight to between 5 and 6 Ibs. To have a body of firm flesh. The fly back coat to have a bright sparkling top colour.

Disqualification: A white toe nail